You may wear whatever you are most comfortable in. Remember though, whatever you wear will get wet, and will feel heavy when you get out. So often people will wear bathing suits, or opt to wear nothing at all.
Actually, it is better to do post-dip exercises, video provided. But if you opt to shower afterwards, it is best to use lukewarm water. Use of hot water can be uncomfortable. To maximize the effects of the cold water immersion, some skip a shower altogether and let their body warm back up on its own, which usually takes about 30-60 minutes.
No, plunging requires a lot of energy, and when you are not feeling well, you don’t want to tap into your body’s energy reserves. Also, plunging causes your core body temperature to rise above baseline for several hours afterwards, so this is not desirable when you already have a fever. However, plunging is great when you are feeling good, and is thought to help boost your general immunity.
Two to three times a week is ideal. While some people plunge daily, the general recommendation is to not plunge on consecutive days, to give your body time to recover.
While the thought of taking a dip in cold water can make some people apprehensive, the actual cold exposure itself causes the body to produce the neurotransmitter norepinephrine, which helps with positive mood and focus, and can produce a feeling of calm and wellbeing.
The sweet spot for plunging is 2-3 minutes. Since you are sitting in shoulder deep ice cold salt solution, your body is exposed to the cold temperature long enough to send a dramatic message to the nervous system, which triggers the beneficial hormone response. Oftentimes, people will dip their head underwater as they prepare to get out, for a truly ‘total body’ experience.
Immersion in the cold salt solution causes blood vessels to contract, decreasing blood flow to your muscles, which may actually reduce the inflammation and swelling. Some research even suggests that cold plunging may be better for post-exercise inflammation than other methods, like compression socks. And for arthritis, because there is no pressure on the hands or joints, and because the area is completely surrounded by the cold (unlike with ice packs), many people find this method of relief more tolerable.
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